EASD uses Eyeled survey tool at 2022 annual congress in Stockholm

EASD eyeGuide survey tool 2022The annual congress of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) took place in Stockholm from 19 to 23 September 2022. The world’s largest scientific meeting for diabetes research gathers physicians, researchers and healthcare professionals from all over the world to discuss the latest in diabetes research.

During the event, hostesses used the eyeGuide survey tool on site on two days to conduct the official survey among congress participants to find out how satisfied they were with the scientific programme, the industry exhibition and the congress as a whole, among other things. The survey tool used is particularly characterised by its ease of use and high level of security: very simple recording of the answers enables a large number of interviews to be carried out in a short time. In addition, no data is transferred to the internet and the survey tool is convincing in its own EASD design. The results are analysed digitally, so that a professional report is already available about 10 minutes after the end of the surveys. The combination of easy-to-use, robust technology and the personal approach to congress participants on site guarantees a large number of interviews of very high quality. The data obtained is an important building block for the future development of the Congress.

Eyeled GmbH has been managing the on-site survey at the annual EASD congresses since 2007 and is responsible for the entire project management, including training of the hostesses, provision of the mobile recording devices and on-site evaluation of the interviews.

More information about EASD is available at: www.easd.org

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